Have you ever been in tall grass / clover/ weeds, etc., got a good signal, thought you had the target pinpointed, then spent the next ten minutes trying to actually locate the find? Well, most of of have. I use a magnet with a telescoping handle to first go lightly over the area. If it's a nail, a scew, a piece of wire, etc. it is easily picked up without having to dig (or having to fill in the hole). What hasn't been mentioned is don't use a regular store-bought magnet like the one's used for holding notes onto the refrigerator door ----- go buy what is called a "rare earth magnet" ---- MUCH STRONGER! What's wrong with picking up a couple of nails, hairpins, pieces of wire, or screws at the same time? ---- Those are just several more targets that you won't have to mess with later. People say "it's your responsibility" to pick up the trash ---- it is ---- but I like to think of it another way ----- THAT'S JUST SOMETHING THAT I WON'T HAVE TO DIG AGAIN LATER!
Yeah guys, I do know about pinpointers ----- after 30 + years of detecting I finally bought a VibraProbe --- and then got a Bullseye II for free when I bought my DFX. PROBES TAKE SO MUCH WORK OUT OF SEARCHING FOR THE TARGET! But the question wasn't about pinpointers, it was about why do we use a magnet.
--- Al