What a ridiculous day. I had the day off, so I started my morning by surprising my girlfriend at work with some new chocolate carmel latte from Wawa. Spent a few hours there until her appointments started arriving for their eye exams, then drove home to change, evacuate the coffee I had consumed, then get to the park nearest me for a few hours of hunting. I decided to tweak my settings which I'll discuss in a separate thread.
So I jerry-rigged an iPhone car holder and mounted it to my CTX. I wanted to be able to show my hunts and not have to dig with one hand. I tried it in the beginning, but later in the day decided I was gonna scrap the concept. Just doesn't allow you to show the coin in the hole when it's mounted on the MD. OK, so my very first target was a bottle cap. I didn't include it in my video because I was going over the 10 minutes I'm allowed to have to upload. Anyway, first target, twist cap, sucks, but I wasn't discouraged. My very next target? My third Barber dime of the week! I was stoked. Love the Barber dimes. Have found over 20 now this year, and the year isn't over! After filing in the plug I swung in a few different directions occasionally finding some trash, and a few deep nails. I'll discuss that in my other "settings" thread coming as soon as I finish this one. Anyway, as I'm swinging the CTX, I hear a guy yelling. Now understand that where I was today I hear a lot of people yell. I see a LOT of stupid stuff go down. There's a lot of crime in the area. If it's not a quad racing through this park tearing the grass apart, there's a drug addict on every other park bench getting high. I'm well accustomed to this now, so when I hear someone yelling it barely phases me anymore. However, this was a little different. It wasn't an angry yell. It was a distressful one. I could hear panic in this guys voice. I turned around to face the street in the distance, and between a few trees I saw a guy attempting to do CPR on a girl. He was obviously very desperate, and from what I saw, he had NO idea what he was doing. I was trained in CPR and Combat Lifesaving while in the Army, so I yelled to him: "Yo guy, you need help?! What's wrong?!" He said "She's not breathing! I don't know how to do CPR! HELP!!!!" I took off running towards him as fast as I could. Got on scene, dropped the MD, and immediately assessed her condition. Her lips were blue, she was pale, eyes were rolled back into her head, and her jaw was tightly clenched. The guy was trying to do chest compressions so I told him to stop. I needed to check her pulse, and he wasn't doing it right anyway. I got a faint pulse in two locations, and could hear her trying to breath, but it was obviously obstructed. It was morte like air sputtering out of a busted tire in a puddle. I asked him if he called 911. He hadn't. I was like "Are you f'ing serious?! How long has she been down?" So I called 911 and gave them a description of what was going on, our location to the nearest intersection, and then ran to the street to flag down the first responders. I told the guy to stay with her, and continue to talk to her, but NOT to try CPR anymore. If her continued what he was doing he would've killed her. The first ones on location were Fireman from a nearby Engine House. They took over, and started giving her oxygen. The ambulance soon followed, and I knew them. First thing Derek says to me is "So, find anything good today Ron?" I said 'Yeah, a meth head OD'ing in the grass. Isn't this CTX awesome? It can find drugs!" You're probably thinking this was crass of us to joke, but in all honesty I have very little apathy or compassion for drug addicts. My daughters mom went down that road, and I've been happily raising her on my own for years now, so before you comment on this, and pass judgement, look in a mirror. No one puts a gun to someones head and forces them to do drugs, so I think ANYONE that dies from it is a fool. The Fireman also cracked jokes as they resuscitated this moron. I grabbed a brief video away from her location while I was waiting for the medics, and then a picture to record what had happened. I'm convinced that had I not intervened and stopped her friend from trying to do horrible CPR, and not calling 911, that stupid girl would be getting buried this week. Who knows though. I just didn't stand around and do nothing.
So that was a mouthful huh? Found another Barber dime, and then that happens. Wow. So back to swinging I went and then found my second Barber dime of the day! Awesome! Deep, repeatable, and just perfect. Moving along I found yet another Barber dime, the third on the day, and again it was deep but very audible. I'm now convinced that Auto is superior to Manual in the sensitivity department on the CTX. It was starting to get dark, so I started towards the Jeep, swinging as I go, and came across another deep silver target. This time it was a Merc, and my fourth silver dime of the day. Wow. A four silver day, and a meth addict. Who could ask for anything more right? lol Well that's it. That was my day hunting the dirt for coins.
So I jerry-rigged an iPhone car holder and mounted it to my CTX. I wanted to be able to show my hunts and not have to dig with one hand. I tried it in the beginning, but later in the day decided I was gonna scrap the concept. Just doesn't allow you to show the coin in the hole when it's mounted on the MD. OK, so my very first target was a bottle cap. I didn't include it in my video because I was going over the 10 minutes I'm allowed to have to upload. Anyway, first target, twist cap, sucks, but I wasn't discouraged. My very next target? My third Barber dime of the week! I was stoked. Love the Barber dimes. Have found over 20 now this year, and the year isn't over! After filing in the plug I swung in a few different directions occasionally finding some trash, and a few deep nails. I'll discuss that in my other "settings" thread coming as soon as I finish this one. Anyway, as I'm swinging the CTX, I hear a guy yelling. Now understand that where I was today I hear a lot of people yell. I see a LOT of stupid stuff go down. There's a lot of crime in the area. If it's not a quad racing through this park tearing the grass apart, there's a drug addict on every other park bench getting high. I'm well accustomed to this now, so when I hear someone yelling it barely phases me anymore. However, this was a little different. It wasn't an angry yell. It was a distressful one. I could hear panic in this guys voice. I turned around to face the street in the distance, and between a few trees I saw a guy attempting to do CPR on a girl. He was obviously very desperate, and from what I saw, he had NO idea what he was doing. I was trained in CPR and Combat Lifesaving while in the Army, so I yelled to him: "Yo guy, you need help?! What's wrong?!" He said "She's not breathing! I don't know how to do CPR! HELP!!!!" I took off running towards him as fast as I could. Got on scene, dropped the MD, and immediately assessed her condition. Her lips were blue, she was pale, eyes were rolled back into her head, and her jaw was tightly clenched. The guy was trying to do chest compressions so I told him to stop. I needed to check her pulse, and he wasn't doing it right anyway. I got a faint pulse in two locations, and could hear her trying to breath, but it was obviously obstructed. It was morte like air sputtering out of a busted tire in a puddle. I asked him if he called 911. He hadn't. I was like "Are you f'ing serious?! How long has she been down?" So I called 911 and gave them a description of what was going on, our location to the nearest intersection, and then ran to the street to flag down the first responders. I told the guy to stay with her, and continue to talk to her, but NOT to try CPR anymore. If her continued what he was doing he would've killed her. The first ones on location were Fireman from a nearby Engine House. They took over, and started giving her oxygen. The ambulance soon followed, and I knew them. First thing Derek says to me is "So, find anything good today Ron?" I said 'Yeah, a meth head OD'ing in the grass. Isn't this CTX awesome? It can find drugs!" You're probably thinking this was crass of us to joke, but in all honesty I have very little apathy or compassion for drug addicts. My daughters mom went down that road, and I've been happily raising her on my own for years now, so before you comment on this, and pass judgement, look in a mirror. No one puts a gun to someones head and forces them to do drugs, so I think ANYONE that dies from it is a fool. The Fireman also cracked jokes as they resuscitated this moron. I grabbed a brief video away from her location while I was waiting for the medics, and then a picture to record what had happened. I'm convinced that had I not intervened and stopped her friend from trying to do horrible CPR, and not calling 911, that stupid girl would be getting buried this week. Who knows though. I just didn't stand around and do nothing.
So that was a mouthful huh? Found another Barber dime, and then that happens. Wow. So back to swinging I went and then found my second Barber dime of the day! Awesome! Deep, repeatable, and just perfect. Moving along I found yet another Barber dime, the third on the day, and again it was deep but very audible. I'm now convinced that Auto is superior to Manual in the sensitivity department on the CTX. It was starting to get dark, so I started towards the Jeep, swinging as I go, and came across another deep silver target. This time it was a Merc, and my fourth silver dime of the day. Wow. A four silver day, and a meth addict. Who could ask for anything more right? lol Well that's it. That was my day hunting the dirt for coins.