About 3 weeks ago the CTX li-on rechargeable battery only lasted about 4 hours, and it seemed to never get charged. Stayed on charger for 12-18 hours and only reached the black 3 bar level. So, I pm'ed Amberjack and got all the information from him about what to use and how to do it. Ordered 4 new 3.7 batteries and proceeded. Fairly simple operation except, and that is a big except! They are connected together with a slender band and they are crimped/tacked onto the batteries. Taking them off resulted in broken connector bands, and soldering them on is task that really needs a very good soldering iron. My 40W one took its time.
Anyway, got them all apart, and back together. Charged it for about 15 hours and never got 2 green lights, just the one solid and one blinking. I have two chargers so I used both and the same result. Put the battery on the machine and powered it up. 3 black bars. Hunted with it the next day and it lasted maybe 2 hours and was dead. When I got home I put it on the charger again and Lo and Behold, in about 1.5 hours it was two solid green lights. Put it on the machine and powered it up and it had 4 green bars! Hunted with it today for about 4.5 hours and still 4 green bars! If that holds up it will have saved me about $130.
Anyway, got them all apart, and back together. Charged it for about 15 hours and never got 2 green lights, just the one solid and one blinking. I have two chargers so I used both and the same result. Put the battery on the machine and powered it up. 3 black bars. Hunted with it the next day and it lasted maybe 2 hours and was dead. When I got home I put it on the charger again and Lo and Behold, in about 1.5 hours it was two solid green lights. Put it on the machine and powered it up and it had 4 green bars! Hunted with it today for about 4.5 hours and still 4 green bars! If that holds up it will have saved me about $130.