Today is the release date of the brand new US Nickel. I really like this design alot....looks like a modern day version of the old buffalo's. Hey, I wonder if there may be some 3 legged errors too? <IMG SRC="/metal/html/blink.gif" BORDER=0 width=18 height=18 ALT="b~">
Also, I wonder what happened to the other "new nickels" with the different backs? I saw like 2 in change when they first came out...now none. Others have never even seen one, so I guess people are saving them like the Bicentenial quarters...HH, Bill
Also, I wonder what happened to the other "new nickels" with the different backs? I saw like 2 in change when they first came out...now none. Others have never even seen one, so I guess people are saving them like the Bicentenial quarters...HH, Bill