I took the 13" Detech Ultimate out for the first time today. We finally received an inch of rain yesterday. The old abandoned church lot I went to is surrounded by cornfields. The church was removed in 1923. I had not found anything there is years as it had been hit hard in the 80's and 90's. When I bought my Etrac this summer I found cents dating 1898 1905 1913 and 1919. Today with the 13 inch I found the seated liberty, buffalo and Indian head penny. The coil does weigh 3.5 ounces more than the stock coil. I used the 'Swingy Thingy' which helped a lot. This was a 3 hour hunt. I was very impressed with the smoothness of the coil. I was able to run manual sensitivity of 27 to 28. Auto wanted to run about 23. I would highly recommend this coil to anyone wanting more depth and coverage. This is only my second seated in 30 years so I quite excited about it. I live in South Dakota and we did not become a state until 1889.