You just posted a copy of a reply by Garybrun the owner of Minelab owners Forums reply to Ezrider's post of digitrich post on this forum about
WASTED 1500 Bucks
Many recall I sent my first ETrac back because it couldn't get the depth of my SE's and falsed to 1-29 to1-35 constantly. Well, the new one is the same, only worse in the falsing department. The farmers out here finally cut the corn and beans

In just one field I have pulled about 400 hundred Indians, about 200 seated and barbers and about 75 shield and V nickels with my SE's. Some areas are full of flat nails and I thought the ETrac would produce more there.........................................nope. My F-75 seems the only unit fast enough to do it. In the less trashy areas, I ran the ETrac wide open, in all metal, fast on, deep off, low trash, neutral soil, auto +3 and manual....just stable. It falsed in all metal, over and over and over to the 1-29 to 1-35 range constantly. I tried ferrous tones and conduct tones with the same results. I am thoroughly disappointed and unimpressed. This machine not only cannot duplicate the depth of my SE's, it's audio flat out sucks. Try this, swing the ETrac for three straight days and then pick up another Explorer and you tell me if you didn't miss the sweet sounding music. My guess is, and this is for Jim out in New York specifically.......If a guy is already extremely proficient with his SE, the ETrac is a waste of his time....period. Want faster recovery, buy an F-75 or wait till MineLab fixes this blunder of a machine. I will buy the next ETrac only because by then, I would expect Mine Lab to have corrected their obvious mistakes, like the lack of an all metal mode, the destruction of what used to be beautiful tones, the E12 trac issue, the general lack of depth in comparison to their previous models and yes I have had both machines (ETrac and SE) over the same target with the ETrac ID'ing it wrong or not even registering the hit what soever and the SE having NO problem. Yes, the faster processor is nice, but at the cost of stability, depth and ID.........OH, HECK NO!!! Save the "It's not an Explorer" for the suckers....I know it's not an Explorer, it's more like a Bounty Hunter, excellent separation with crappy tones to a depth of 4-6 inches....oh gee, now I can hunt clad in a Yes, "it's not an Explorer" could never be an Explorer without a great deal of improvement. This thing would have to study to be stupid!!!! Shame on you MineLab

"It maybe my soil"... but the funny thing is....My SE's and my F-75 don't have a problem with it. I am going to see if I can't trade it off to some one for the new Whites PI, maybe a deeper machine is the ticket in these fields for what's left now.

For the guys who want to pick up an Explorer and shorten the learning curve to nearly zero, the Etrac is a God send......but what are they going to do when they have gridded out their local spots and the finds are getting thin???? I honestly feel a competent Explorer 1/2/SE user and/or F-75 user would still find things the ETrac can't and won't. I have this nasty habit of disliking going backwards. Sorry to sugar coat it......I didn't want to offend anyone.
guess ZEB got his wires CROSSED.......
My finds speak for themselves......Love my e-trac
Happy Trails
Jim Pugh