Spare Change
New member
Hi Everyone
Had the MXT about 1.5 years now and still learning the machine.
My desire was to have a machine which would be good for Alaska/California nugget hunting and be able to reject (id) old iron junk. It seems to do this OK yet I have compared it to the GMT and with the small elliptical on the MXT and the unit adjusted to all different power levels and I get very little depth (1") on match head sized nuggets as compared to the GMT. I know GMT has a higher frequency but still I have heard reports from people hitting these with the MXT.
I get out coin hunting with the machine more than anything and am getting frustrated by the level of audio response from rejected targets. I set the disc at preset or a tad higher and lock in the ground track (I read all of Monte's tips -- Thanks!) I'm generally running the Gain at the preset.
I get what seems to me to be strong audio response from lots of trash targets negative numbers and foil etc. To my hearing there is no audio tonal difference (discrimination) to lots of these targets compared to a coin etc. I find this to be more of a problem in the C&J mode and now hunt for coins in the Relic mode and listen for the highs and then look at the meter.
I have found coins with the machine and a few pieces of jewelry but the snap-crackle and pops seem excessive.
Any ideas or is this everyone else experience?
Had the MXT about 1.5 years now and still learning the machine.
My desire was to have a machine which would be good for Alaska/California nugget hunting and be able to reject (id) old iron junk. It seems to do this OK yet I have compared it to the GMT and with the small elliptical on the MXT and the unit adjusted to all different power levels and I get very little depth (1") on match head sized nuggets as compared to the GMT. I know GMT has a higher frequency but still I have heard reports from people hitting these with the MXT.
I get out coin hunting with the machine more than anything and am getting frustrated by the level of audio response from rejected targets. I set the disc at preset or a tad higher and lock in the ground track (I read all of Monte's tips -- Thanks!) I'm generally running the Gain at the preset.
I get what seems to me to be strong audio response from lots of trash targets negative numbers and foil etc. To my hearing there is no audio tonal difference (discrimination) to lots of these targets compared to a coin etc. I find this to be more of a problem in the C&J mode and now hunt for coins in the Relic mode and listen for the highs and then look at the meter.
I have found coins with the machine and a few pieces of jewelry but the snap-crackle and pops seem excessive.
Any ideas or is this everyone else experience?