You have chosen a great machine. As mentioned above first off make sure you leave any area you dig up looking as it did before you dug. Now as far as the mxt goes, Many of us have different views on this but just starting off give this a try. Coin mode, Gain on 9, disc on 2, P/P trigger in center, grnd. set to track threshold knob to about the 9 oclock position. Use a fairly slow sweep speed and for a while dig all solid beeps. Look at the VDI numbers of the different targets, soon you will learn the vdi's of coins trash and then you'll see that some trash and coins have about the same numbers. Coin mode is fairly easy learn. Starting off don't expect to dig super deep stuff, deeper targets can be tough. Take the time to learn the machine before trying to run the gain wide open, which is still nearly impossible for me to do in most areas I look, + numbers are actually like an amplifier, but unfortunately trash signals are also amplified. With the coin mode gain on 9, 6-8 inch coins sound off good. The stock coil will do a good job in almost any area, if you get into heavy trash it can get fustrating but patience and persistance often pays off. I dug over 30 wheat pennies 3 buffalo nickels a 1916 merc dime and a 1930's military eagle button out of a yard where an old house had burned down and been pushed away, it is super trashy but going slow payed off, sure I dug a pile of trash but got alot of old coins too. And when metal detecting, when ever you are in doubt of what you have swept your coil over, DIG !!! Hey, good luck and have fun!! Remember that this is a hobby and is supposed to be fun, don't get so wrapped up in finding something worth a pile of money that you let it take the fun out of detecting. Keep us posted on your progress and for any questions you have there are a pile of experianced detectorers on this site and all are more than glad to offer some advice.
good luck and happy hunting , Ray