Since you are a new detectorist.Let me tell you some things you might,or might not know.
After all my Pro Explorer rants.Let me say,if you do not search productive spots,you will not do well.Research is really the key more than your detector.Go to ebay and type in your city and state and see what kind of research material you can find.I live in Shelbyville Illinois,which is shelby county.When I do an Ebay search I type in Shelby* IL* this gives me all possible hits,like shelby county Illinois,Shelbyville Illinois,Shelbyville IL,Shelby Cobra Illustrated <IMG SRC="/forums/images/wink.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="

">,etc,but i usually only get 130 matches,so it doesn't take me long to go through them.I found on Ebay an 1895 Shelby County Plat book.It is Awesome,It will give me leads on places to hunt for years!It shows schools,churches,town halls,Hotels,houses,etc.Then I have a 1998 plat book.All the townships and sections are the same,I cross reference them,find the current owner,call them up and get permission and am in the ball game!
Go to your local historical society and research for places.Old hotels,Fairgrounds/Race tracks,taverns,old news papers for Ice Cream socials,just about anything that people gathered at.Look for the oldest places you can find and you will be finding old coins from the start.
Also,talk to older people you might know about possible sites to hunt,they can be a wealth of information.You might also talk to any game hunters,they are in the woods alot and run into old home sites(celler holes,that is usually all that is left except maybe some foundation).
Also,another thing,you drive by a site that looks old and sweet,you can bet everyone and their dog with a detector has done hunted it.The key is to find sites that do not look like much now,they get passed up by most detectorists.
Winter is the time to do research.Since you can not open your present till Christmas,IMO you should spend as much time finding places to hunt as you do reading your manual.Besides,learning the history of where you are living is alot of fun!
Also,You do want to buy the Sunray adapter stand!It is cheap and it takes all the stress off of your headphone jack.The headphones that come with the Explorer are junk,but,they will get you by for a while.A good set of headphones really does help.
Also,consider buying the Sunray X-1 probe.It is a little 1" coil that works through your headphones and uses your discrimination of your detector.No other probe made does that.It is a very valuable tool!I wouldn't be with out mine!When you dig your hole looking for your target,you switch to the probe and stick it in the hole and it will guide you to it.Most new users have trouble pinpointing a target,this helps out a lot!But that is something you do not need right now.
And please,make sure you fill in your holes and take the trash you find with you.Most places that detecting is not allowed today is because of a careless hunter that left open holes and their trash thrown around.It ruins it for everyone.I try to leave a place cleaner than when I got there.
That is just a few things I thought I would mention now.That really doesn't have much to do with the Explorer itself,but things I think are important to mention.
Good luck!