I find this usually happens when the target is deep for it's size. whether it be a penny at 10" or a small bit of wire etc 3-4" down. Shallow targets you'll get a smooth even tone but it gets rougher (chattery) when the pinpointing function is almost at it's limits......
I found initially that a school playground was ideal to get to know the machine, digging was easy, good targets plentiful allowing you to learn what sounds are what etc.... I admire your courage jumping straight in and altering all the settings etc My machine drove me mad the first 6-8 time out!!
I found initially that a school playground was ideal to get to know the machine, digging was easy, good targets plentiful allowing you to learn what sounds are what etc.... I admire your courage jumping straight in and altering all the settings etc My machine drove me mad the first 6-8 time out!!