Mike from MI.... I am sorry, i did not answer your question,about the location,of Ray,MI.,on 2-2-06. Ray .is about ,twenty miles,north of Detroit.I have never posted a message before. I am lucky,just to find this site again!! Ill keep trying,to reply, to any messages,or comments.I guess i was just happy,to see,anyone make a comment,about my posting!!!I think,i just sent you ,this same message,by mistake,a few minutes ago...but as a private message...sorry. I am always looking for new ways to metal detect,hints,comments,are always welcome!Also around that same date of 2-2-06 a "Anonymous user", asked me if the Belle river was close to Imlay city,i am not to sure,but i think so.It seems to run towards that area.Thanks Studs!!