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Got out with MtWolfe2270 for some dirt digging at an older house that we got permission to hunt. Usually I do water hunting only in June July and the first part of August due to heat,humidity and laziness!! Also I like looking for gold and silver rings when it's swim season around here but as they say you gotta make hay while the sun shines so we jumped on the opportunity to do this yard. Started the hunt by walking the site over and deciding where to start as is our regular m.o. As we walked in the back yard we saw a baby bird had fallen from its nest which was about 10' up in the tree. Being super cool firemen as our day job, we devised a way to use a large trash can and the flexibility of both MtWolfe and the tree limbs to get to the nest and put the little guy back in the nest. Well karma must have been watching as I got a 45D merc and MtWolfe got something nice which I won't spoil if he wants to post. We both got some wheats as well, pretty good hunt for a short morning small yard hunt and a rare June silver coin for me! HH and thanks for looking and replying.