I have a mint pair of Ratphone Variable Tone Frequency Headphones
These are very rare and only made for a short limited time by Rick Viola
Very nice pair of high end metal detecting headphones and unique.
I will post below the announcement that was posted in 2005 on a forum
I will sell for 125.00 shipped in ConUS, paypal or MO
Anouncing RaTPhones VTF ---2005 Forum Post
It is finally here! Headphones that can change the tone frequency on your machine!
RaTPhones VTF (Variable Tone Frequency) can actually vary the tone of your metal
detector to your liking. What is more incredible is that they do this with no battery.
You heard right, NO BATTERY! The energy already present in the machine output is used
to power the circuitry. We use advanced components that did not even exist a few years ago
and have taken advantage of new technology to achieve this amazing feat.
Detect USA has done it again with innovative ideas that have never been done before.
RaTPhones VTF are in limited production, but we could not wait to make the
announcement and welcome you to email us about this exciting new product.
Will they replace your regular RaTPhones? Are they for everyone?
Most machines are fine the way they are, plus RaTPhones VTF work best on machines that
do not have modulated audio, that is, if your machine has low volume audio for deep
targets, you will hear the regular tone of your machine for those deep targets at a lower
volume than you are used to. Medium to shallow targets will have the new tone that you
have selected. You can use the RatPhones VTF to zero in on the medium to shallow targets
to cherry pick. On machines without modulated audio, all depths will have the same
volume as usual, but now you can change the tone.Were you ever on an early morning hunt and find yourself not paying attention to your
tones? Well, dial in a different frequency and your ears will perk right up!
RaTPhones VTF can be just what you have been looking for. Love your machine but don’t
like the sound? Get a pair of RatPhones VTF and change it.
RatPhones VTF look exactly the same as Regular RaTPhones that are becoming quite
popular and are getting great reviews. The VFT use the same speakers, muffs and
innovative replaceable cord. The VTF have two controls. One is for volume and the other
for frequency that can be varied between 200 and 1100 Hz.
Again, we are in very limited production and would like to hear from you.
Rick Viola
Detect USA
These are very rare and only made for a short limited time by Rick Viola
Very nice pair of high end metal detecting headphones and unique.
I will post below the announcement that was posted in 2005 on a forum
I will sell for 125.00 shipped in ConUS, paypal or MO
Anouncing RaTPhones VTF ---2005 Forum Post
It is finally here! Headphones that can change the tone frequency on your machine!
RaTPhones VTF (Variable Tone Frequency) can actually vary the tone of your metal
detector to your liking. What is more incredible is that they do this with no battery.
You heard right, NO BATTERY! The energy already present in the machine output is used
to power the circuitry. We use advanced components that did not even exist a few years ago
and have taken advantage of new technology to achieve this amazing feat.
Detect USA has done it again with innovative ideas that have never been done before.
RaTPhones VTF are in limited production, but we could not wait to make the
announcement and welcome you to email us about this exciting new product.
Will they replace your regular RaTPhones? Are they for everyone?
Most machines are fine the way they are, plus RaTPhones VTF work best on machines that
do not have modulated audio, that is, if your machine has low volume audio for deep
targets, you will hear the regular tone of your machine for those deep targets at a lower
volume than you are used to. Medium to shallow targets will have the new tone that you
have selected. You can use the RatPhones VTF to zero in on the medium to shallow targets
to cherry pick. On machines without modulated audio, all depths will have the same
volume as usual, but now you can change the tone.Were you ever on an early morning hunt and find yourself not paying attention to your
tones? Well, dial in a different frequency and your ears will perk right up!
RaTPhones VTF can be just what you have been looking for. Love your machine but don’t
like the sound? Get a pair of RatPhones VTF and change it.
RatPhones VTF look exactly the same as Regular RaTPhones that are becoming quite
popular and are getting great reviews. The VFT use the same speakers, muffs and
innovative replaceable cord. The VTF have two controls. One is for volume and the other
for frequency that can be varied between 200 and 1100 Hz.
Again, we are in very limited production and would like to hear from you.
Rick Viola
Detect USA