It's raining today and predicted to be the same tomorrow. I got out to the local school yard yesterday. The grass was so high all my finds were reading 9 - 12 inches deep because of the height of the grass. You could see the grass had been cut recently. I'm cutting my yard twice a week now or it looks like a hay field when I cut it. This has got to be one of the wettest years I can remember. The woods are completely grown over already so this type of hunting will probably have to wait until the fall.
I'm sitting here bored, not wanting to do any useful work. From the number of posts lately many of you must not be getting in much hunting time either. I guess I'll go charge my batteries. HH Rob
I'm sitting here bored, not wanting to do any useful work. From the number of posts lately many of you must not be getting in much hunting time either. I guess I'll go charge my batteries. HH Rob