Fred, Funny you mentioned hurricanes! She has been thru many. We have had two former Crew Members on board who served thru Hurricane Edna , in 1954. I had read articles about it, but heard it from the Horses Mouth. During the hurricane, a 60+ plus foot wave went over the Ship, smashing the portholes on the Bridge. Damaged the Ships wheel in the Bridge, and tore off the Wheel, Binnacle and spotlights off the upper steering Bridge. Put out the Steam, snapped the anchor chain, leaving the vessel at the mercy of the storm. The Radioman Jim Sheehan of Cape Cod, that the Ship was rammed or something. He radioed SOS and after awhile a Navy Hurricane Hunter heard him, was able to see the Ship and reported their position. With this information, they were able to see where they were adrift on the Charts, checking depth. They then dropped the auxiliary Anchor, and were found the following day. A Coast Guard Cutter towed them to Boston for repairs. The Crew were sacred to death, they thought the Ship was going to sink,but it did not.
By the way, the Portholes are 3/4 inch thick with reinforced chicken wire in the center! Jim Sheehan of Yarmouth Mass. And Richard Arnold of Gloucester Mass.were both shipmates during the 1954 Hurricane. We had them reunite onboard last year, the first time they had seen each other since 1954! Jim spent four years in the Coast Guard, while Richard Arnold retired after a twenty year stint!