First off, best of luck with your treatment. We all wish you a full and speedy recovery. Not being familiar with the radioactive iodine treatment, I looked it up online. One of the cancer research sites says "The treatment makes you slightly radioactive for a few days, so the time that the staff and your visitors spend with you will be limited to protect them. You will have to stay in your single room for a few days until your radiation levels have fallen. A radiation monitor may be used to check your levels of radioactivity or test anything that is taken out of your room. You can bring computers, music players, mobile phones or books, etc in to keep you entertained. Anything taken out of the room will be monitored. Some of your possessions may be kept on the ward for a couple of days if they show any radioactivity. After that time, they will be safe again and the nurses will give them back to you." Based on the fact you can bring electronic equipment into your room, and that the radioactivity diminishes after a few days, I'd be optimistic that by the time you're ready to go detecting, it should not had an adverse effect on your metal detector. Just focus on your recovery. There will be plenty of treasures waiting for you when you feel up to detecting again. Again, best of luck to you. HH Randy