Oil company's are making record profits as Americans die in the middle east trying to play policemen for a people that have been killing each other since the beginning of time while you pay $3.89 a gallon for diesel fuel to help pad the Oil company's profits.
The left does not have the answerers but at the same time neither does the right because this country is falling apart under the watch of the right or leadership from the White House!
Both parties are to blame, all of Washington is to blame and until people wise up and see both parties for what they really are (One Party not working for the people) we as a nation will give away what our father's and grand father's built for us to total government dependence for our everyday servile which is being cheapen as every day passes to profits of others.
We are not in Iraq to stop the bad guys, we are in Iraq to protect the oil fields for the oil company's and the neighboring states that hold the oil, there will always be bad guys in Iraq as there have always been bad guys in Iraq and all of the middle east from the beginning of time, we are not going to stop it but we will keep the oil coming and while we are at it the Oil company's drive up the price, pretty sad I say while young Americans die for oil company profits.
Ron Paul was right, we had no business in going in there in the first place, we need to get out and stop sending body bags home for Oil Profits while these same Oil Company's stick it to us in the name of freedom, pizz on them!
All this under the watch of the right who have own the White House for the last 8 years, I have always been a defender of the right but now I am dis hearted with all of Government and Washington and they are about to feed us the same crap in Obama, Hillery or McCain when we could've had real change in voting for some body out side the good ole boys club but we didn't so here we are again
Just my thoughts and why there is plenty of blame to go around
General Ray