I tried several ways to pin point with with my 15x12 SEF. This seems to be the fastest and most accurate way for me. I find a desirable target and use short wiggles to get it fairly close. I then raise the coil over the area until there is no sound. I then lower the coil slowly still wiggling. I come to the spot where the sound becomes the most concentrated, On the 15x12 I use the front V as described buy Critterhunter. I have read where the front or back of the coil is too "hot to pinpoint with" It occurred to me that by raising the coil slightly will help to find the most accurate spot. I believe the reason this technique works is that when the coil is too close to the object there is a "splash over" of the signal as you raise the coil up it localizes the portion of the object that is closest to the surface .I have found this technique can be used with any coil. Hope this makes sense.