it does'nt really matter the order you adjust the settings, if that is what your meaning, and as for the sens... in semi-auto mode, you choose the sensitivity number you want, but it is not always the setting the unit will be running in, the computer will automaticaly adjust it to what it thinks is a good enough setting to keep the machine stable, for ex. if you run 30 auto-sens. and are in a trashy or bad mineralized area, the computer will automatically drop the sens. till the unit runs stable. so called, and the manual mode will stay where you put it, if you run 30 manual, reguardless of the conditions it will remain at 30. and you will need to lower it yourself, to keep it stable,(if needed). In my oppinion the manual is the best way to go,(FOR ME),cause I believe the unit is doing so much work to keep it stable you loose depth. THAT IS JUST MY OPPINION... I hope this will help..