Hello fellow detectorist,Am real close to pulling the trigger on the new BHID-300.But need to know a few things from you experts.Im hearing conflicting reports that the BHID is known to false alot. Is this still true with the new larger coil?How is the detectors acuracy for tone and visual when the detector goes over rusted iron?Will you get a medium or high tone instead of the low tone?I will be using this machine only in fresh water. The rusty iron in our lakes concerns me as it does not disolve like it does in the salt environment.And at the same time if I am correct there is no traditional descrim dial on detector.I generally work off the beaten path in the water for copper and brass artifacts and not so much for jewelry.Lots of rusted iron. Do you guys have problems if you hit a spot with plenty of rusted iron that you cant tell what the machine is telling you.Maybe you get a red light yet the tone is high; it dont match? Or does Whites have a small amount of built in descrim to null out small nails? How about small brass targets, what kind of tone do these give off? Thanks guys;hopefully you can answer these concerns. Currently Im running the CZ-21 and the jury is still out on this one. thanks, Steve