I doubt most detector designers, put in any extra circuits to reject or filter out RF from another source. I know if I'm down by the shoreline near the train tracks that run by the beach I pick up train transmissions from time to time... If there were any cops, police, cb radios, ham radio's, ambulance, or anyone on a radio close by, its real easy to overload those audio circuits in these detectors.
Might cost them a dollar or 2 to do it, but that comes off their bottom line so no likely to happen.... Even when the radio company's themselves add in TVI filters and circuits to stop interference, they can generate 2 and 3 harmonics that will find a piece of wire or circuit that will let it reproduce it self in the audio circuits....
In general....
What type of equipment can be affected by radio interference?
Both radio and non-radio devices can be adversely affected by radio signals. Radio devices include AM and FM radios, televisions, cordless telephones and wireless intercoms. Non-radio electronic equipment includes stereo audio systems, wired telephones and regular wired intercoms. All of this equipment can be disturbed by radio signals.
What can cause radio interference?
Interference usually occurs when radio transmitters and electronic equipment are operated within close range of each other. Interference is caused by:
#1 incorrectly installed radio transmitting equipment
#2 an intense radio signal from a nearby transmitter
#3 unwanted signals (called spurious radiation) generated by the transmitting equipment
#4 not enough shielding or filtering in the electronic equipment to prevent it from picking up unwanted signals.
Most consumer electronics have a label that says "this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation"
Thats the short version of it. I've had to deal with it for the last 40 years as I am a ham... WA1NLA... Running 2kw for many years in contest, I had to do a lot of work to keep TVI out of peoples TV's.... On my end I would use high and low pass filters. Wired circuits in a box to keep spurious radiation down. Then I moved out here in the sticks, problem solved except for moon bounce signals on 6 meters....They are hard on TV and most anything else... I no longer do that mode, but enjoyed it when I did.......
Bet this is more than you wanted to know....