[quote robert roy]Is Whites Classic ID 5 one of those Made speciffically for KellyCo and is it any good.
In fanct how good are ANY of the MD's Whites make for KellyCo?
Anyone out there ever use them?[/quote][size=medium]Those two models are made for Kellyco. They are basically a Classic II and Classic ID with some "front end" modifications to operate at 8.1 kHz and use a Prizm series type coil.
Other White's models sold by Kellyco, such as the DFX, XLT, MXT, etc., etc., are all standard production White's models.
I have used a Classic 5-ID on several occasions. I field tested one after their release and found that the performance was very similar the White's Classic ID. The only issue I have with them is that there is not a smaller coil available for them, just like none for the Prizm series. Only an 8" and 950.