IDXMonster said:
Rick- It's discriminating. You'll note that if you run with a completely blank screen it will never do this.
Actually...that's not entirely true, behold the all metal null.
This is a rare bird but I have dug several of these over the years. I pay attention to these because all were silver and multiple silver coins in the hole. Silver half with a silver quarter, multiple silver quarters, or a silver quarter with multiple silver dimes.
This is the target orientation that produces these, nail/silver/nail with the two nails pointing at each other with silver in-between, typically the nails are about 12 to 15 inches apart. Nail |---> Silver <---| Nail If you are hunting in all metal and suddenly get a null like this, which technically should never happen in all metal, bingo you found one of these. Turn 90 degrees and the machine will say rusty nail, turn back and you get the null. Dig a 6 inch plug, carefully, in the center.
Another version of this that does not produce a null is the three rusty nail silver, with a nail at 9, 12, and 3 o'clock. You get a silver hit but only with the front tip of your coil, maybe the front three inches of the coil. If you try to center your coil over the target its nothing but rusty nail, turn any other direction 90 left or right or even 180 approaching it from the other side and its nothing but rusty nail. But from the one position, with just the front edge few inches of your coil, the machine will give you a textbook silver tone and silver position on the screen, those are worth digging. The silver tone (ferrous tones) and cursor locking onto the textbook silver position on the screen don't lie. Versus say a rusty nail/iron false which bounces top left of the screen iron position and top right of the screen about 3/8 of an inch down from the top with the cursor half off the right edge of the screen, that's the classic iron falsing bounce pattern. This false bounce pattern also doesn't lie, I have dug countless example of this because its so enticing to wish maybe its silver and all were rusty iron. If you are unsure consider this, if it looks like silver on 8 swings out of 10 its likely silver, if it looks like a rusty iron bounce pattern 8 swings out of 10 its likely rusty iron. Nothing is 100% on every swing but one or the other will repeat overwhelming towards one type of target or another.