I have had my Canon i960 for about 2 years, it did an outstanding job on photos because of the 6 color inks. Sadly, it bit the dust after thousands of photos and I went to get a replacement. I was not surprised when I found out this model was discontinued. The salesperson sold me on a Pixma 4000. I got it home and it was the worst printer I ever owned. Too much contrast that I had a little luck changing and the colors were just not up to par. I didn't get the nice shading that I got with my i960, so it went back to the store. I ordered a Canon ip6000D which has the same 6 ink set up as my old i960, but then I read the reviews on it and they said it printed slow. Now I'm wondering if I should have gotten the Pixma 5000, which got great reviews. Anyone out there care to comment on these models, I can probably cancel the order and I hate to keep bringing the printers back to the store. I juust want something identical or a little better than the i960 which was , in my opinion, the best photo printer out there. Thanks, Ron