Just bought a Vsat and would like a vsat guru to give me some advice.
I have Larry Sallee's "Complete Unabridged Zip Zip" and a DVD. The DVD
is visually very good but it's very difficult to hear the Vsat. I've tuned my
machine exactly like the book and imitated the DVD with the Ground
Balance. I'm using a #4 fine nut, my wedding band (the only real gold
I have), a tie pin with a turquoise stone the same size as a #6 bolt, and
a flat steel washer for test targets. So much for the preliminaries, my main
question is that I have trouble distinguishing between the targets. I don't
hear the "zip zip" nor the "boing" mentioned in the book or DVD. It sounds \
more like the volume control of a tube-type radio going up and down. The
steel sounds like click-click if I sweep kinda fast. At $3.59/gal I'd like a bit
more confidence before I go up in the hills. I've read and watched the video
4 or 5 times and practiced in the back half-acre for a week. Still have trouble
distinguishing between the sounds. Anyone have some fine tuning suggestions?
Does Sallee have a better DVD or a website? I'm in a club, but no Vsats to
compare. Thanks for any advice.
I have Larry Sallee's "Complete Unabridged Zip Zip" and a DVD. The DVD
is visually very good but it's very difficult to hear the Vsat. I've tuned my
machine exactly like the book and imitated the DVD with the Ground
Balance. I'm using a #4 fine nut, my wedding band (the only real gold
I have), a tie pin with a turquoise stone the same size as a #6 bolt, and
a flat steel washer for test targets. So much for the preliminaries, my main
question is that I have trouble distinguishing between the targets. I don't
hear the "zip zip" nor the "boing" mentioned in the book or DVD. It sounds \
more like the volume control of a tube-type radio going up and down. The
steel sounds like click-click if I sweep kinda fast. At $3.59/gal I'd like a bit
more confidence before I go up in the hills. I've read and watched the video
4 or 5 times and practiced in the back half-acre for a week. Still have trouble
distinguishing between the sounds. Anyone have some fine tuning suggestions?
Does Sallee have a better DVD or a website? I'm in a club, but no Vsats to
compare. Thanks for any advice.