you'll hear everything! Tiny iron and other junk that should be rejected.
Either the Coin & Jewelry mode or the Relic mode, depending upon which audio you prefer to listen to, will work just fine.
There are several things important things to consider when you want to get serious about hunting for gold jewlery:
#10.. Overlap your sweeps efficiently.
#9.. Use a search coil that will best handle the trash level at a site.
#8.. Use headphones to block out outside noises and help you hear any soft, weak, deeper signals.
#7.. Use as much sensitivity as possible w/o chatter.
#6.. Operate with the lowest level of discrimination that you can tolerate.
#5.. Use the most efficient sweep speed for the make/model and coil in use.
#4.. Do NOT rely on visual Target ID to determine a 'dig' 'no-dig' situation!
#3.. Remember that an audio response tells a lot and is much more important than any visual readout.
#2.. Be prepared to recover a LOT of detected targets!!
#1.. <STRONG>Location, <BIG>Location, <BIG>LOCATION</BIG></BIG></BIG></STRONG> You're NOT going to find them if they aren't there! ... They are more likely to be some places than others!
Personally, I like the Coin & Jewlery mode for most such sites, but the Relic mode is 'OK,' too.