Well-known member
I am curious for those of you have used a Sov GT and the Explorer SE or that have hunted with a partner one obviously having each of the previous mentioned machines and have compared in the field. The question pertains purely to the iron mask feature. Obviously the iron mask on the GT is fixed and on the SE it is adjustable. Has anyone experienced an improvement with the Explorer by having the iron mask adjustable over the GT or were your results about the same (ex. coin lying next to an iron object) Has anyone ever discovered that the fixed amount of iron mask with the GT was too much or not enough? I would love to hear from anyone that has ever done any type of testing or actual field results and I would like to learn of your results. I have done very well with the GT in finding some beautiful old coins lying next to iron objects. My question is pure curiosity of the benefits (if any) of this IM feature being adjustable. Thank you for your time in reading and responding to my post. - Jim