I don't know if you have the option, but if possible, I would use the 18.75kHz elliptical DD, or the 6", 7.5 kHz concentric. I say this because I think you will be much more thorough in your search, with the lighter coils. I have the 10.5 concentric DD, and as you know, it is very heavy. I also have the 9" 3kHz low freq, and find it to be heavier than I care for, especially working uneven terrain. I think the 70 - 705 is very well balanced with the stock coil, anything bigger or heavier seems clumsy to me. --- IMHO, I don't think bigger is necessarily better, (or deeper) in the plowed field. Like the big Anglo-Saxon treasure find this week, a lot of relics / coins / or artifacts remain shallow, due to the turning of the soil. The tractor and plow have already done the hard work for you. Even if the site wasn't farmground during the war, the modern tractor and plow have unearthed a couple hundred years of history for you .-- With the big and heavy 10.5 DD, you'll be looking for the easy places to sweep, instead working the entire area, including the tops of the furrows. Everyone works differently, but my weapon of choice would be the stock 9" - 7.5 MF, or the 6" MF concentric, simply because I know I will do a better search, due to the lighter weight of these coils.