that the Ace can actually do a pretty good job of IDing screw caps. The secret is to listen to the pinpoint audio fade. What you do, is go into pinpoint, then go over the target, then pull the coil back towards yourself. As the 12 o'clock position of the inner coil you will hear the audio signal fade. A coin will fade pretty quickly, while a screw cap will have a distinctly longer fade. The only caveats to that, is if the target is within 2 inches of the coil, or you pass over a second target as you draw the coil back In that case, the pinpoint won't break off till the last target has peen passed over. That doesn't happen that often. It becomes a 50 50 call. It's a lot better than a 10 to 1 call that you are now experiencing. It does take a bit of practice, but it's fairly good.
The X-terra 705 has it's own little tricks. I have the X-Terra 70, so I don';t have the sizing pinpoint feature, that may offer up extra target info. However, the first trick that you come across is the VCO pinpoint. This is most helpful on targets that are up to 3 or 4 inches. A screw cap will scream noticeably harder than a coin. Another thing you you can do that are a bit more subtle, is to pinpoint using the prospecting mode. If you can establish a slow to modest sweep speed while in this mode ( make sure you maintain an even same speed each time you check a target) then you can hear the difference in the width of these 2 types of targets. I'm not a 100% sure of the size of your dimes, but I think that their size is noticeably smaller than screw caps. This is what makes it easier to tell them apart.
Mick Evans.