Paul, the only way the auto retune feature would be a detriment to the machine's ability to see through iron is the following phenomenoms:
a) If the re-tune speed is too fast (which would help in "hugging" un-even ground), then the following side-effect begins to occur: When the retune begins to tune out a bigger item, then you a "re-bound" situation at the end of the signal . That is where when your coil is moving OFF of an iron target , and entering ground with no signal, your machine momentarily bumps "upwards" with a signal.
For example of this, try the following experiment. I know this is silly, and no one ever operates like this, but .... just for point of exaggeration, this will show the effect: Bring your coil over a nail, but then stop over the nail. The nail will eventually tune out, and you will return to a normal threshold, right ? (despite being right on top of metal). The speed-at-which this occurs is dependant on the re-tune speed. Ok, now that your threshold has returned to normal, now move OFF of the nail to sterile ground. And you will notice that the threshold spikes upwards, as if there's a signal ! This because it's now interpretting nothing as being the positive tone (if that makes any sense). This effect can occur with multiple nails back to back to back , where you're not necessarily "stopping on them", but in effect, it's like a continuous nail. Such that when you finally get a peak at sterile ground, the machine attempts to beep.
The solution to this is to move faster, to avoid having your machine "track" to the iron, right ? But in doing so, then you're loosing out on the benefit of the retune in the first place. Doh!
b) If you have lots of conductive targets, the effect works the same way in reverse.
The Auto Legend attempted to fix this, by creating a variable auto-tune speed select knob. But even the slowest setting still amply allowed for this to occur. The slowest setting still wasn't as slow as the 77b's in-built "hug" slow auto-tune speed. That was a big mistake on Compass end, to not have it able to slow down that slow AND TURN OFF ENTIRELY. If they had done so, it would have been a great machine.
Not sure which of the Vikings have this addressed. Ie.: a way to variably select speed, based on bumpiness of the terrain and minerals. And hopefully one that allows you to turn it all the way off, if you have flat ground and want to move REAL slow for some reason.
The best see-through ability would be when the machine is in best "hug" mode with the least amount of auto-track. Because don't forget, with any amount of "track-tune", the machine will tend to try to "tune out" very deep whispers. So you loose depth, if you're having whispers tuned out afterall. But this is only a function of depth, not necessarily "see through" ability. I don't think the machine's inherent see-through ability is affected by the re-bound phenonemon. Other than lacking depth to get to the targets you had in mind, in the first place.
Not sure if I've answered your question on not Paul.