The GT I own has outstanding depth in my neutral, mild, and heavy mineralized soil and sand sites. There are also more tones than you can hear, but it's not confusing. You soon key in on the tones that you are interested in. Minelab and several other companies have made meters for it for years, and if you can't find one used meters are easy to make for it. The scaling is super high in resolution on the 180 scale of most meters, in terms of from foil all the way up to copper pennies. I've found a lot of nice finds by just digging targets 1 digit off the 20 digit spread of where all (99%) of all pull tabs, round and square, fall. Nickels are almost a sure bet, as they tend to read 143 to 146, well below the starting point of tabs at around 148 or 149. The tone of nickels is also very distinct from tabs. And though there is a digital wonderland going on under the hood of the Sovereign, what I like most (besides is raw power and depth) is the long, detailed, rich, analog like audio. It's not been overly processed or santized/shortened. For that reason by audio alone you can often find keepers you might otherwise not dig. The audio report is also very "robust" at depth.
It is a slow machine, so if you just have to swing super fast then this is not the machine for you for sure. However, if you control your sweep speed, and use a quality DD coil with a sharp DD line such as the Stock 10" Tornado (on Elite or GT), or the SEF 12x10 (even better), recovery speed is not an issue. In fact, I prefer a slow machine these days, as I feel it allows me to slowly work and linger around "junk" looking for hints to high tones in there. One of these coils will also seperate two targets laying right up against each other. It's all in how you work and use the coil. Also, these days looking for the deepies I prefer a "long lingering look" without the machine trying to reset on me, so I can soak up the best response at fringe depth. I feel that's the key for me to plucking out the super deep ones, and as said if you use a good DD coil and don't swing the coil like you are launching a golf ball then recovery speed is a non-issue. BBS, running at 1.5 to 25khz, seems to ride over my minerals with smooth "warm butter" like stability too. Needless to say I love this machine, but be warned it's very unlike any other out there that I've owned or used. It takes time to stop hating it and then to love it, but IMO it's worth the effort.
Far as warranty goes, bought new (you got until the end of the month for Minelab to make more, but I'm sure dealers still have them in stock and might even be stocking up on them....just that if the dealer doesn't have it in stock then your order must be in by the last day of December. Same with the 8 and 10" Tornado coils (10" comes stock) or the SE Pro. But...Bought new you've got a 3 year warranty. I would suspect Minelab will fix them then for several years beyond that as well as that's just good customer relations. Think of it this way...Somebody might buy one new from a dealer a year from now that has them still in stock. That means they should easily fix them 4 years out because they'll have a 3 year warranty. I'd suspect they'll fix them say 7 years out at least, otherwise that might make some people mad if they stopped fixing them the minute they ran out of warranty.