Randy---I know the variability feature isn't on the CTX but is there a way to adjust to higher Hz on this detector to sound more like the Explorer/Etracs on silver?--I have been experimenting with some settings & have run threshold pitch up to max (30) and at 930 Hz to see what it would sound like.---Is 880 & 930 Hz as high as you can go on the CTX?----I may be mistaken but I thought somebody said awhile back that they adjusted it up to 1220?---If that's so, how do you do that?-----I'm not wanting to change a lot of settings etc. till I get on to the CTX but I would like to adjust the tone (higher) if I can.---- It's fun learning this detector but I've got a lot more questions than answers!
-----It's sure a lot different than the Etrac.-------Del