Frank, this is my first forum post since I got my computer back up and running. I think my last posts were about December 31st or so, and my computer came back from Salt Lake City via Fed-Ex quite damaged. It went back to my son, who had cleaned up the hard drive and sectors and such, and he (as the shipper) is working on the settlement with Fed-Ex. I got his computer and just got back on-line about 2:20 this morning. Been doing a lot of reading to see what topics have been 'hot.'
As most know, I am quite partial to smaller-than-stock coils due to the types of sites I prefer to hunt. But, I wanted to give some newer models and larger coils some tries to see if I could get the performance needed to match the Explorer II for some serious silver shooting in older parks, schools, etc. In the spring of 2001 three of my friends took on the Explorer for the express purpose of trying to find the deeper silver coins (I am talking about honest deeper coins in the 5"-8" depth range).
They had been loyal White's XLT users but they were after better audio and visual TID on the deeper coins. The Explorer gave them that. I latched onto an Explorer and hit a park I had not been able to find silver at here in Oregon City, Oregon. In less than about an hour I had three (3) shiny Mercury dimes and the readings were 100% accurate.
However, I must be honest and state that I do not like the Explorer for all manner of hunting and I don't care for it for much of anything other than dedicated Silver Shooting.
I now have eight (

friends who use an Explorer exclusively, and they are also mainly or exclusively deeper silver coin hunters. Those of that group who are also avid ghost town hunters have seen that other makes and models are superior for those tasks.
Anyway, I prefer the stock 10