I'm still concentrating on a small area loaded with square nails, which exist at a depth of perhaps 4" inches down to 22". The usefulness of the six inch coil has been exhausted. I've been running in very close to all metal (ferrous) in an attempt to get some variable signal which might hint at a conductive object next to or beneath iron. Obviously I can't use the large 15 inch coil here...but..................
When hunting with NO discrimination using the 15" coil, is there a chance the detector will average out the mixed signal of ferrous and conductive objects together, giving me at least a hint of something conductive buried deep, or will the detector ignore completely the conductive object in favor of the majority of iron? Even being able to judge a hint of conductive among the mix would be useful.
I tried this yesterday, got a slightly less ferrous number on the reading (I believe it was a bounce between 17 to 27, which in this case was high...the conductive reading was meaningless) and dug a 22 long rifle shell which was completely invisible on any of the smaller coils, or with very low discrimination (33, 34 qnd 35 blacked out) I don't know if this was a fluke.
Again, my question is; When using the 15 inch coil (or any smaller coil for that matter) can the etrac average out the conductive and larger iron mix to give a hint that a conductive target is under the coil? I'm talking about in All metal mode only with no discrimination? Thanks
When hunting with NO discrimination using the 15" coil, is there a chance the detector will average out the mixed signal of ferrous and conductive objects together, giving me at least a hint of something conductive buried deep, or will the detector ignore completely the conductive object in favor of the majority of iron? Even being able to judge a hint of conductive among the mix would be useful.
I tried this yesterday, got a slightly less ferrous number on the reading (I believe it was a bounce between 17 to 27, which in this case was high...the conductive reading was meaningless) and dug a 22 long rifle shell which was completely invisible on any of the smaller coils, or with very low discrimination (33, 34 qnd 35 blacked out) I don't know if this was a fluke.
Again, my question is; When using the 15 inch coil (or any smaller coil for that matter) can the etrac average out the conductive and larger iron mix to give a hint that a conductive target is under the coil? I'm talking about in All metal mode only with no discrimination? Thanks