Thanks Mike (and Bill) for those comments. Those were great comparison reviews you gave of the F5 and O8000. I just sold my T2, which was a pretty simple detector, control wise, to operate. I'm enjoying the O8000 but do wonder about some of those comments you mentioned.
A few things. The O8000's expanded iron range seems to function excellent for me regarding pulling coins from iron. You didn't do the follow up on if it's indeed better than the F5 in that way. Interesting what you said about the O8000 iron range as I had no idea about the breakdown and how you could use it to help with shapes of targets. Perfect description of pulling coins from iron regarding the signal ( I didn't get as good separation on my T2!). I too picked up quickly on the iron falsing (which the T2 didn't really do) - the high tone bounce is extreme where as a coin target is lower and it locks on (if I got you correctly).
Since the modes are the same (and I've posted this on the Teknetics forum with not much of a response yet) and you touched on this, what do you think about the d2 mode and depth? I have only used the d2 and d3 mode. (Being in Germany 2 tones is actually enough for me as the coins are all over the place on the ID). It seems to me that the d3 mode is a little louder on deeper targets compared to the d2 mode (and that makes sense considering d2 is a vco mode). I just love vco because I seem to get more information about the target, not just the depth, but maybe I'm off there. Can you elaborate more on the d1 mode as I didn't really use that on the T2 either but here it's the best mode to use in iron (on the T2 anyway.)
Anyway, for only 2 or 3 hunts I'm learning the O8000 really quickly.
Thanks again - You are teaching me a lot