New member
Vision Spectra V3 Video I saw, for sale to anyone that wants to learn more about it, OR, does it only come with each SV3 that is bought??? Thanks, I'm getting a V3 next month and am sure it would help to jumpstart me when I have mine in my hands. Most of the dealers I've found around here in FL don't seem to know as much as I've learned about them. So they're more in the dark than I am.One dealer said he doesn't use the net and doesn't have any knowledge about them at all.
. Thank you for all the info you've given us so far. I now know more about the Spectra V3 than I ever knew with my MXT.
. Thanks to all you guys and gals at
for all your excellent work and dedication in this BEST OF ALL HOBBY.
And best Detectors.
MXT, DX-1 Bullseye, 4 other coils. HH to all. (K.C.)


MXT, DX-1 Bullseye, 4 other coils. HH to all. (K.C.)