<img src="/metal/html/confused.gif" border=0 width=15 height=22 alt=":?">
As a newbie to both Metal Detecting and the MXT, I have a couple of questions regarding sweep speed that I'm hoping someone can answer.
1. I have read my MXT book about the "2 sec. sweep" and overlapping sweeps. I have had some success in my MD outings at a local park using this method. However, I feel that I'm missing targets because my ears & eyes are fully tuned to the sounds & VDI readings. (I have tried in both C/J and Relic modes) If I slow down my sweep speed will I improve upon my abiity to correctly ID targets until such time as my confidence level builds with the MXT? Or will altering the speed actually cause more false positives?
2. The above question relates to the stock 9.5 coil, but if you use one of the DD Elcipse coils - how does that affect your sweep speed.
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide me.
As a newbie to both Metal Detecting and the MXT, I have a couple of questions regarding sweep speed that I'm hoping someone can answer.
1. I have read my MXT book about the "2 sec. sweep" and overlapping sweeps. I have had some success in my MD outings at a local park using this method. However, I feel that I'm missing targets because my ears & eyes are fully tuned to the sounds & VDI readings. (I have tried in both C/J and Relic modes) If I slow down my sweep speed will I improve upon my abiity to correctly ID targets until such time as my confidence level builds with the MXT? Or will altering the speed actually cause more false positives?
2. The above question relates to the stock 9.5 coil, but if you use one of the DD Elcipse coils - how does that affect your sweep speed.
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide me.