Just a general question about loss of depth on the XS. First a back ground story. A friend of mine and I hunt together all the time, we both us XS's. We have our machines set identical, so we can tell who is having a better day because of skill and not so much the machines. Last fall we were out and he was stomping me and we are ususally pretty close on coins. He had just gotten his machine back from minelab, he had sent it in because of a mishap and his machine wouldn't come on. Anyway they replaced some of the internal components and misc other stuff, about $400 worth. Since then his machine has been unbelieveably hot. but this particular time he called me over and said he had a deep squeely, definetly silver, it was about 3/4-7/8 deep on the depth scale. I got no response just a slight null blip. I told him to hang on before he dug. I ran to the car and got new batteries, still nothing. He dug a Rosie close to 12", we checked the depth using the Leasch knife so it could have been around 10" depending on where it actually was in the last scoop he removed but still I didn't get a peep out of the dime. I think I read in one of Cody's posts that resistors and/or Diodes, electronics in general can break down. Has anyone done any kind of research to find out if the older machines lose some depth because of electronic break down versus the depth of new machines?? Could this be a reason we read about a new machine out performing "the old stand by"? Jump in here Cody I appreciate reading all of your posts. Technical and all.
Thanks, HH
Thanks, HH