I dont know...tried it a few times, just for giggles, got access, didnt find nothing of value..
That said, folks now a days are wary of strangers, and I dont blame them one bit!.....although they are pliable to authority figures!
So wear khakis, work boots and act like sleepy dope, up and say you are from the city and doing an "underground recon of the gas lines", and you are in! Or, tell them your "boss man sent you out here to locate the pintle pin that flew off the clevis hookup during the winter, very dangerous, gotta find it, wont take but a few minutes, cant have you hit it with your mower, should be in and out in no time"...
or else, better yet, just swing away, and if anybody comes outside to ask you what you are doing, just talk about pintle pins and clevises, threaded sewer stubs, curbstops, fire ants, your boss man, the city, radon gas detector,...whatever pops into your head at the moment that sounds official and dangerous..chances are, if the person is under 50 yrs old, you are golden! You wanna find silver or not?