Your decision might be a situational, financial, and location dependent one...I can say I have the big coil, and hunt silver fairly effectively through iron with it...or at least it has found me some silver with iron also coming up in the scoop..Water hunting only, the signals may not all the time be crisp, sometimes they are, the center of the big coil seems to act like a sniper coil, based upon how you use it...the general consensus for hunting silver in heavy iron is to use the small coil so a fellow doesnt get too much feedback from multiple targets underneath it...thats the right tool for the job so to speak...all I have is the big coil, and I also need to cover a lot of ground on account of my location/situation/finances, and have learned what its saying, and how to sort of 'hover' it, pump it, tight wiggle it, whatever, to try to isolate silver in the trash..I run 3 clicks down from full sens, iron audio off, pro zero, with an Atpro. A guy can sort of isolate that sweet tight ping based upon tone and size of the target...most all the really good silver coin hunters use the smaller one in the trash...
As far as I'm concerned, based upon where I am and what I hunt, I need the big coil, I have too much realestate to cover, and have learned to live with its strengths and weaknesses...I have been greatly impressed with it picking silver through the iron..
Can you do it with the big coil? Probably. Can you do it with the smaller coil, definitely!