Was not sure were to go today so I went to a area across the street from the park I never hit before, There are two ball fields a small soccer area with one net and some batting cages.Boy I was sure glad I went there been wondering about going there for a while. First target was a Quarter and they just keep coming one after another. Six and a half hours latter total coin count was, 59 Quarters,22 dimes ,3 nickles, 22 Penny's, 106 coins all together, one ring. I believe this one is real would be my first real ring if it is. Please let me know your opinion on this one. It is marked FD on the inside bottom worn real bad can just barely make it out with a magnifying glass. Has black marks on it like the ones you see on silver coins sometimes and has a bit of weight to it. Doesn't feel junky like junk rings do.I got rained out or would have stayed longer. I will go back there in the morning. I think there may be some silver here because I found a 1945 wheat cent,1964 nickel,couple 1965 quarters,1963 penny,1965 dime and other coins in the late 60's thru 70's and a few newer coins. I do not believe this place has been hunted before.
Once I get thru the shallow clad maybe I will find silver.