Received the new pulse dive/pinpointer today 2 in 1. Just with air tests and different targets I'm pretty impressed. 5 levels of sensitivity gives it good depth. 5 to 6 inches on most coins. Can't wait to use it on the beach and our freshwater creeks. Will be fun!
Comes with a 2 year warranty, extra seals, holster, bungy cord, hard case to store it, strong led light built in and 2 caps one land and one sea. Usb cord to charge it up. I purchased the yellow one mainly for visibility in dirty water. You can just buy the pinpointer version but why not grab the small coil combo for a little extra. Well worth it in my opinion.
Well worth the price at only $280 Australia $$. Obviously cheaper for USA and Europe. I'd show photo's but can't downsize them to fit on this site.
Anyway will let you all know how it performs in different terrains. Both fresh and salt water.
Comes with a 2 year warranty, extra seals, holster, bungy cord, hard case to store it, strong led light built in and 2 caps one land and one sea. Usb cord to charge it up. I purchased the yellow one mainly for visibility in dirty water. You can just buy the pinpointer version but why not grab the small coil combo for a little extra. Well worth it in my opinion.
Well worth the price at only $280 Australia $$. Obviously cheaper for USA and Europe. I'd show photo's but can't downsize them to fit on this site.
Anyway will let you all know how it performs in different terrains. Both fresh and salt water.