Pete in MI
New member
and dragged it to the elementary school playground. Imagine a guy who looks like Santa, with a Santa hat on, headphones on over the Santa hat and using a detector - and there are kids on the playground! Once all the questions were answered and a teacher blew a whistle calling the kids in, I was able to detect. Got in about 15 minutes of detecting then it started raining and was getting dark. Wound up with 1 quarter, 2 dimes, 4 pennies, an elastic hair band with a metal bead and another elastic band with a gold colored $ (dollar sign).
Might be the last time I get out this year. Just had to go out since it has been such a long time since I was last out.
Might be the last time I get out this year. Just had to go out since it has been such a long time since I was last out.