I have had this happen twice this year, and both times had the same result. Both times the police kicked me from the public park, complaining that someone was making a mess, and now no one was allowed. I had done my research of city ordinances and it is not prohibited, and the officer agreed to that, but said that it was CRIMINAL MISCHIEF digging a hole because they had previous problems with it (I couldnt help but chuckle that this was considered criminal mischief). I am trying to go through the correct channels to plead the case of the responsible MD. Any advice from you all of points to make or strategies to use when speaking with police chief and city manager would be much appreciated. These over-zealous cops make me feel like a criminal! In my encounter yesterday, the officer even said I was preaching to the choir when justifying my hobby, he agreed that I was properly filling holes and removing all trash found. I know that unfortunately this has been the trend in many places in the country. What has worked well for others with my same problem? Thanks for helping me out and HH (if you have a spot to hunt)