I haven't actually tried this, but if I were to try to do it, this is what I would try...
Make the RX coil part of a mutually coupled pair (M1), with the other coil being driven by a sporadic target "signal". Where would you get the target signal from? Well, you could create another mutually coupled pair (M2), with one side being the TX coil and the other side used to drive a sporadicator; that is, a circuit that takes N number of TX periods, and does amplitude (and phase, for VLF) shaping that simulates the coil passing overhead.
If you are simming a PI mono coil setup, then split the mono coil into 2 inductors, say, 90% and 10%. The 90% becomes the TX coil for M2, and the 10% is the RX coil for M1. You can further adjust the coupling factors for target strength.
Sound complicated? I think so, too. Lemme know if you get it working, then tell us how you did it!
- Carl