By comparing the signals in C&T mode against prospecting mode much can be learned,for example lets say you get a signal in the coin range on the meter,the depth indicates 8 inches but when you check it in prospecting mode it screams or is very loud,is it a coin?,no it's not as any coin at 8 inches will give a weak to medium signal and will never scream in prospecting mode,so what is it,well it might be iron,sweep the signal from several directions and if you get a solid minus signal from one direction it almost certainly iron,it might also be a large non ferrous item buried deep but in that case the signal wil be good from all directions,The best thing to do is to bury some coins at different depths and compare the signals in C&T against prospecting mode,keep an eye on the depth meter and memorise how a deep coin sounds in prospecting mode.
When you get a signal out hunting ask yourself if this is a coin at the depth indicated would it give this loud a signal?,if the answer is yes then dig it,if no then it's probably not a coin.with practice you will good at this and waste little time investigating signals.