Make an Automatic On-Off switch using a tiny mercury switch. No soldering iron needed and no alteration done to the ProPointer. Just drop the mercury switch into the battery compartment and put the battery back in. The switch must be tiny, it fits vertical along side the battery with room to spare. Don't cut the leads on the switch, just curl the ends with needle nose plyers and put a piece of tape between the leads so they don't touch each other. One lead goes into the small hole, the positive terminal of the battery touches the other lead. When the ProPointer main switch is turned ON (it stays ON), the mercury switch will automatically turn the ProPointer ON when tip is pointed down and OFF when ProPointer tip is pointed up. Must be stored in the holster upside down, OFF position. No need to touch the main switch on the ProPointer until you are done detecting. The upper left photo shows the switch in place, vertical against the side wall, kind of hard to see it. The switch is held in place when the battery is inserted and the cap is screwed on. I bought my switch at Greenbrook Electronics, I don't know if Radio Shack has them.