My EX11 gives a digital reading and icon with the first pass of the coil. The exception is if rejection is set so that the target falls in the rejection area for some of the hits. If the coil is swept in such a way that 3 hits produce a reading that is in the black area of the screen and only one produces a reading for the clear area then we only get one ICON or reading for 4 sweeps. This is why when we go to ID a target we need to use pinpoint to find the center of the target and be cautious to sweep the coin over the center. If we do that then we get a solid ICON or reading with just one sweep. If our sweeps are not consistent and some produce rejected targets and other accepted then the sweep per up date will be far more since some fall in the black area. This is another reason to go to the Menu, Clear, then select all ICONS if we hunt with all metal. We don't see ICONS for nails unless we select the nails ICON. The missing ICONS have nothing displayed in the Smartfind or Digital screen for an icon as nothing is selected. The exception I can think of right of hand is coins ICONS are displayed even if we only clear the screen.
HH, Cody
HH, Cody