I have had my XS for about 3 monthe and it has worked flawlessly until last weekend. I first noticed that the speaker sounded as if it were bursted. It had a rattling sound when it made a noise. It has now began to emit a steady what sounds like Threshold buzz. It changes pitch when the coil has passed over a target. As in higher pitch steady sound when a target causes a high pitch and if You pass a nickle under the coil it instantly changes to a lower pitch tone. I have tried removing the battery while powered up, removing the X1 Probe and connecting it to the stock coil, starting it w/o a coil at all, adjusting many if not all adjustments on the XS, starting it in Factory Preset. I hunt with the TH silent as the constant hum drives me battier than I already am!!! and this is worse than the TH hum.Please help if You can!
Thanks, Tony
Thanks, Tony