I had this problem with every hole I dug yesterday, retrieve find, double check the hole only to get a banging signal that made me dig down even more incase of a second target. Resulting in two foot deep holes still getting a banging signal but no target to be found.
I got so sick of it, so I dug a hole in an area where I had no signal at all before digging, scanned the hole to get, you guessed it a banging signal. Which told me my metal detector was also a hole detector and a very good one at that.
So from Then on I still checked my hole after but did not bother to dig further. Shame as who knows what I might have left in the holes once digging the multitude of .22 bullets and shottie primers I dug yesterday .
I also spotted another max user in the field and explained my predicament and asked him if he had the same problem, he said “no, never”.
So in front of him I dug a hole again where I proved before hand there was no signal, waved my detector over it and he could hear the high tones ringing out from my headphones from where he was standing six foot away. He said “you should send that back under guarantee” I then asked him if he minded swinging his detector over the empty hole for my benefit which he did, beep beep. “Sugar” he said (or words to that effect) “same problem as you”.
So I thanked him and off I walked feeling slightly better that it was not just a problem with my unit at the expense of sowing a seed of doubt in the mind of another at max user.
Anyone else have this problem
I got so sick of it, so I dug a hole in an area where I had no signal at all before digging, scanned the hole to get, you guessed it a banging signal. Which told me my metal detector was also a hole detector and a very good one at that.
So from Then on I still checked my hole after but did not bother to dig further. Shame as who knows what I might have left in the holes once digging the multitude of .22 bullets and shottie primers I dug yesterday .
I also spotted another max user in the field and explained my predicament and asked him if he had the same problem, he said “no, never”.
So in front of him I dug a hole again where I proved before hand there was no signal, waved my detector over it and he could hear the high tones ringing out from my headphones from where he was standing six foot away. He said “you should send that back under guarantee” I then asked him if he minded swinging his detector over the empty hole for my benefit which he did, beep beep. “Sugar” he said (or words to that effect) “same problem as you”.
So I thanked him and off I walked feeling slightly better that it was not just a problem with my unit at the expense of sowing a seed of doubt in the mind of another at max user.
Anyone else have this problem